Rice-specific Controlled Release Fertilizer and Its One-off Fertilization Technology
2022-08-17 15:45 本网


  Rice-specific Controlled Release Fertilizer and Its One-off Fertilization Technology

  Rice-specific controlled release fertilizer (R-CRF) is a new type fertilizer with nutrition specialization and longer nutrient releasing period, and it has been proved that it can increase fertilizer use efficiency, reduce fertilizer, save labor and minimize environment pollution. Based on middling fertility field, one-off fertilization of R-CRF by 40~50kg/667 m2 could meet the nutrient demand of rice and yield 400~500kg/667 m2 gains. This completely simplifies the fertilization technology of rice, but also avoids blind/over fertilizer by farmers. Results showed that this technology can reduce the P and phosphorus nutrients by 20%~25%, increase rice yield by 8%~15%, and increase income by 70~100 yuan/667 m2. So far, the technology has been expanded in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other provinces.
