A New Bitter Gourd Cultivar 'Lv Ying Wei'
2022-08-17 15:04 本网


  A New Bitter Gourd Cultivar 'Lv Ying Wei'

 'Lv Ying Wei' is a new bitter gourd F1 hybrid. The first harvest time is around 64 days in the spring and 48 days in the autumn. The plant grows vigorously and its lateral branches are strong. Fruit setting rate and yields are high. The fruit is of long conic shape with green and shiny skin and wide smooth ridges. The commodity fruit is about 28–33 cm in length, 6.5 cm in diameter, and 1.1 cm in flesh thickness. The fruit weight is about 450.0 g. It has an attractive appearance, high commodity fruit rate, good tolerance in the field, and moderate resistance to fusarium wilt. In addition, it is extremely adaptable and resistant to cold and heat.